Basic Information

Research Interest: Decision Support System, Forecasting, Health information, Educational Informatics

Email: adhistya[at]

Google Scholar Profile


Undergraduate, Electrical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Master, Electrical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Doctorate, Computer and Information Science, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia.

Active Students (As Main Supervisor)

  • Anang Anggono Lutfi
  • Boffin Kharsananda
  • Dian Aryanti Hapsari
  • Irfan Pratama
  • Pradigda Satria W
  • Sofhian Fn
  • Sufi Oktifiani


AE Permanasari, I Hidayah, IA Bustoni, “Forecasting Model for Hotspot Bandwidth Management at Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology UGM”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics™ 53 (4), 227-234, 2015

AE Permanasari, E Swandana, I Hidayah, ES Rahayu, Evaluation of multimedia usage for supporting blended learning, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 11 (9), 6121-6127, 2016.

AE Permanasari, I Hidayah, S Nugraha, “A Student Modeling Based on Bayesian Network Framework for Characterizing Student Learning Style”, Advanced Science Letters 20 (10-11), 1936-1940, 2014.

AE Permanasari, DRA Rambli, PDD Dominic, “User Interface Design For A Zoonosis Prediction System”, Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology, in press.

AE Permanasari, AK Candri, GS Sari, “Prototype Development for Hospital Bed Allocation”, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic     and    Computer Engineering (JTEC), in press.

AE Permanasari, W Najib, RR Kusuma, Prototype Development for an Android-Based Medical Record System, International Symposium on Geoinformatics 2017 (ISyG 2017), 2017.

AE Permanasari, IK Utami, I Hidayah, SS Kusumawardani, “Forecasting Avian Influenza incidence in Java and Madura area, International Conference of Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC), 2015.

AE Permanasari, I Hidayah, IA Bustoni, “SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA) implementation on time series to forecast the number of Malaria incidence”, International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 2013.

MA Rinjani, TB Adji, AE Permanasari, F Dzikrullah, “Data service orchestration for law enforcement and open criminal justice data interoperability (National Crime Information Center, Indonesian National Police case studies)”, 2017 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer (ICST), 2017

M Abobaker, S Sulistyo, AE Permanasari, “OpenMRS FRAMEWORK: HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM SOLUTION TO DEVELOP IN SABHA, LIBYA”, Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Respati 9 (27), 2017

FS Pribadi, TB Adji, AE Permanasari, A Mulwinda, AB Utomo, “Automatic short answer scoring using words overlapping methods”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1818 (1), 020042, 2017

AS Wibowo, AE Permanasari, S Fauziati, “Combat aircraft effectiveness assessment using hybrid multi-criteria decision making methodology”, International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer (ICST), 112-117, 2016

WA Saputra, HA Nugroho, AE Permanasari, “Toward development of automated plasmodium detection for Malaria diagnosis in thin blood smear image: An overview”, International Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), 201

I Pratama, AE Permanasari, I Ardiyanto, R Indrayani, “A review of missing values handling methods on time-series data”, International Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), 2016

FS Pribadi, TB Adji, AE Permanasari, “Automated Short Answer Scoring using Weighted Cosine Coefficient”, IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e), 2016

H Pratyaksa, AE Permanasari, S Fauziati, I Fitriana, “ARIMA implementation to predict the amount of antiseptic medicine usage in veterinary hospital”, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (IBIOMED), 201